AHS Class of 1962 Photo Gallery

Clicking the following links will open a full screen view of the photo. To return here to this page, click your browser's Back button. Caution: Although we have tried to make these as small as possible, some pictures may take a while to download. They're probably worth the wait, however!
Last Updated: August 14, 2020

Web Page

Caddy dealer
Commissioner General

Ben Hur
A supermodel in the making
Service Clubs (Las Cadenitas, 1961)
Alhambra High School Auditorium and East Wing (1958)
The "Temporary" Classrooms and Their Demise
Athletic Competition (Track)


NEW!! (2020)
The Senior Class picture in the bleachers. Can you find yourself?
The Grad All Night Party Program (Cover and Inside Program)

1982 NEW!! (2020) The 20th Reunion Booklet

Reunion (1)
Reunion (2) Jerry Snow, Julie Snow, Russ Marasco, Marlene Madrid, Chuck Irion, Pam Irion... puttin' on the Ritz.
Reunion (3) Alums from Fremont elementary.
Reunion (4) Alums from Garfield elementary. Front row: left to right, JoAnn Hoheisal, John Casillas, Wendy Barker, Irene Miller (peeking through from second row) Evie Gibbs, Sylvia Pinera, Noreen Gift, Jane Clay Second row: Salese Kastner, David Barrett, Steve Smith, Mike Landa, Eric Ackroyd, Larry Fleck, John Jackson.
Reunion (5) Alums from Ramona elementary.
Reunion (6) Alums from Northrup elementary.


Reunion Planning Committee (at work in a bathtub?)
Reunion (1) Alums from Emery Park elementary
Reunion (2) Alums from Northrup elementary
Reunion (3) The TALL and short of us:. George Fisher, Leo Carroll, Lynn Adkins, and Susan Bonander Popenoe.
Reunion (4) Alums from Marguerita elementary. John Stratton, Susie Armstrong, Tom Bisline, to name a few.
Reunion (5) Rae Ryder (in white and to her right), Andrea Jahan and George Fisher.

Others 1986 Picnic in Orange County
1995 "Interim Reunion" (?) at Los Padres National Forest. At least the car looks familiar! Al Flinck, Les Gilman, Diane (Finn) Dagestino, Gary Bosley, Barry Dagestino, Claudia Milnes, and Wendy (Barker) Flinck.

Gary Bosley's Pictures
Read Gilgen's Pictures
Susan Bonander Popenoe's Pictures

2007 Promo Video

Read Gilgen's photo gallery
Claudia (Sherlock) Storey's pix
Gary Bosley's photo gallery (includes grade school groups)
Les Gilman's photo gallery (includes photos of the Queen Mary and Sunday Brunch)


Official welcome/invitation from the Reunion Committee (on YouTube; click your Back button to return here.)
Gary Bosley (Reception Photos | Reunion Photos, including elementary class photos)
Read Gilgen (Reception Photos | Reunion Photos)
Fred Haight (Reception Photos | Reunion Photos)
Candy Kressner (Reunion Photos)
Susan Popenoe (Reception Photos | Reunion Photos)
Jeff Schroeder (Reception Photos | Reunion Photos)

2017 Gary Bosley 55th Reunion party pix (click the thumbnail pictures for full-sized versions)
2019 Gary Bosley 75 Years Celebration (Click the thumbnail pictures for full-sized versions)